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By Pastor David Stroup III



Who is the Holy Spirit? Who He is not?

He is the third person in the Godhead; there are three Persons, co-existing as One God.


First mention of Holy Spirit is in: Genesis 1:2 & 1:26


There are Three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit and these three are One. (1 John 5:7)


  • They are in agreement; perfect unity, perfect fellowship.


  • In Them is life and creations. 


  • Holy Spirit is not a dove, a flame, He is not wind or fire, or an “it”. 


  • Holy Spirit is so much more than a tremble or shiver. 


  • Holy Spirit is not confusing, or spooky. He is God. 

You cannot compare a Divine being to human beings or angelic beings. 

When we live in daily friendship with Holy Spirit, the old things of the sin filled life won’t have control over us.  


  • Holy Spirit wants to talk to me, to show me things.


Where is Holy Spirit? 


  • He is everywhere. 


  • He is God, without limitations of the physical body.  No time, space or distance can confine Him. 


  • Holy Spirit is present on the earth. 


  • He is the one that gives the born again experience. 


  • Holy Spirit is not far away. He is as close to me as I am to myself. 


What is the Holy Spirit doing now? 


  • Ministering on the earth as if Jesus was still here, walking on the earth. 


  • He is communicating the heart and mind of God to Christians.


  • Holy Spirit enables us to walk in love, the nature of God, signs, wonders, miracles, power and gifts.


Does the Holy Spirit have a body?


  • Yes! Yours!

How do I relate to Holy Spirit in my life? 


  • Holy Spirit wants to be involved with your everyday life. 


  • If we would acknowledge Holy Spirit first, so many more favors of God could be received and so many trials could be avoided. 


  • Holy Spirit has emotions yet He is in control of His emotions. He doesn’t ever freak out or lose His cool the way we do. 


  • Holy Spirit can be grieved or pleased.  


  • We have to train ourselves to hear Holy Spirit to know what He desires vs what the soul or satan dictates. 


  • Holy Spirit is always trying to “get through” to us. 


  • We have to respect Holy Spirit, honor Him, and take time for Him. 


We have to stay close to Holy Spirit so that we will not be blown off course by whatever is being spewed out of people’s mouth. 


  • We are to stand with His Truth.


  • We need to be focused on Holy Spirit to receive life from Him. 


  • The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives on the inside of us.


  • When I get my focus off of myself and onto the Holy Spirit, then there is life in every situation that will spring forth and overtake the spirit of death.


Scriptures concerning the Person and ministry of the Holy Spirit:
(Not exhaustive but will get you started.)

Gen. 1:1; 26
Ezekiel 37:14a
John 14:15—31
John 16:3, 7
Acts 1:8
Acts 2
Romans 8:15
1 Corinthians 6:19
1 Corinthians 12 &14
2 Corinthians 13:14
Ephesians 1:17
1 Thessalonians 5:19
2 Timothy 1:7
Titus 3:6
1 John 2:27; 4:13; 5:7


Getting To Know The Holy Spirit

(The Various Things The Holy Spirit Will Talk To You About)

This is not an exhaustive list but it will get you started on understanding how involved with your life the Holy Spirit can be if you will yield to His leading and voice. 


When you want to get to know someone you spend time with them and look forward to hearing from them. It is the same way with the Holy Spirit.


  • We are to be aware of the Holy Spirit’s voice in our lives even more than our own.


  • We are to be aware of the Holy Spirit’s voice more than anyone else's. 


  • The Holy Spirit is listening for Believers who want to hear from Him.


  • The Holy Spirit was sent to us to enable us to have unbroken communication with God.


  • The Holy Spirit never ignores us, we ignore Him.


The Holy Spirit talks more than any other person on earth.
(Rev. 2:7, 11, 17 & 3:6, 13, 22)


The Holy Spirit expects you to keep your heart in the right place so you can hear Him every time He speaks. (Ps. 95:7-8; Heb. 3:7-8)


The Holy Spirit will teach you. (John 14:26)


The Holy Spirit will bring back to your remembrance the Word of God. (John 14:26)


The Holy Spirit will talk to you about things of the future. (John 16:13)


The Holy Spirit will tell you who you are assigned to in life. (Acts 8:29)


The Holy Spirit will tell you of the motives or intentions of others. (Acts 11:12; I Cor. 12:10)


The Holy Spirit will talk to you about your specific assignment or ministry. (Acts 13:2)


The Holy Spirit will discuss with you about the area where you’re to be for your assignment or ministry. (Acts 13:4)


The Holy Spirit will discuss with you about where your most needed. (Acts 8)


The Holy Spirit can lead you to the person that can answer the difficult questions you have in life. (Acts 8)


The Holy Spirit will reveal to you who is under judgement and who will treat you as an enemy because of demonic influence. (Acts 13:9-10)


The Holy Spirit will reveal every day random issues or the very important issues of life to you. (Acts 15:28)


The Holy Spirit will talk to you about where you should go for provision to take place. (1 Kings 17:3-4)


  • You must remove yourself from the voices of others so you can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in detail.

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© 2025 Victory Worship Center

"Close Your Eyes & Open Your Faith" ©

2350 SE Washington Blvd, Suite #412 
Bartlesville, OK
74006 (Washington Park Mall)

SUN @ 10:30am | WED @ 6:30pm

PRAYER SERVICES SUN @ 7am | TUE @ 10am | FRI @ 6:30pm

Celebrate Recovery THUR @ 5:45pm Dinner and @ 6:30pm Groups

Outpouring Service  4th MON monthly @ 6:30pm more info

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